5 Tips For When You Feel Overwhelmed Or burnt-out, Especially Those Using Life Coaching

Those Using Life Coaching : Many of us who work as a life coach, feel like we have too much going on to help clients and ourselves.

As a result, we might feel overwhelmed and burn-out.

Here are 5 strategies to help you deal with this common issue:

1.Write it down.Don’t keep the whole list of stuff in your head. Always write it down. Choose one or two topics per day, or one or two activities per hour.

If you keep your ideas, it can sometimes be difficult to decide what to do next, which in turn, can lead to overwhelm.

Writing it down serves the three essential purposes of helping you remember, clearing your head, and making a decision based on your current priority. Life coaching is hard work and hard answers often require people to re-write their thoughts.

2.Prioritize and chunk it down into bite-sized pieces.One of the reasons for overwhelm is that it’s overwhelming to recall all the pieces of a project. It’s good to chunk in order to help you determine what is really important and what is not.

Plan to do one small thing today. For some, it will be making five phone calls. For others, it may be doing two or three phone calls in a short period of time ( banana phone time )screening and responding quickly to email.

These are examples of things that can be done specifically today and made even more manageable for yourself in the future.

3. Use a good timer to help you know when to move on. I like a timer because it makes you aware that you’re going to have to stop and accomplish a specific task, if you’re going to continue working on your every priorities.

Keep a timer next to you. When it rings, start with something you are currently doing, and block out time until you’ve reached your goal.

Keep a timer on your phone. When it stops ringing, take a break. You can do nothing for a while if you’d like, but after your timer rings, you can determine what is more important to you, and move on with it.

4.Do only so much. One of the reasons for over-working or feeling overwhelmed is that many hours can be spent accomplishing nothing. Remind yourself of Thomas Edison’s famous quote, “It takes far fewer hours of work to invent the light bulb than to wait while others come up with it.”

5.Do the most unfinished tasks first. Focus on the items you have been procrastinating more than I’m sure you feel is all the activity you need to do.

One little tip that works well for me is to read the task list or your weekly plan of action, and look at the items that are left over or are not completed. I look for these items to complete for the week. They might be tasks, appointments, clients, listings,okers and/or unfinished ideas.

I look for these last items to complete as a sign up, client or Adoffer and coffee time with new business provided. We do this at a training in space in San Diego. The new business wasigue is exhausting. In the last five days we did three sessions of both sides of the conversation and customer support.

By doing these tasks before I go to my next work-out, I just feel more motivated to surpass it. We finagled in the last half hour, I am likely to place 6 or 7 of these items below my current number for the week.

When starting your week, determine what items are the most important that you will do or complete, then schedule your work time accordingly.

Time management is all about BEING organized and allowing yourself to do the most important things.

Who are you choosing to spend your hours with, and how can you help them to be more effective or productive while they are at your service?

Put everything else to the side, ensure you prioritize yourself and your weeks so that you are completing tasks that are important to you as quickly as you can.